Carrot has high nutritional value, contains many vitamins. Carrots can be eaten raw as a fruit or processed into salads, pressed to make vitamins, jam or processed into other attractive dishes. Carrots are very popular agricultural crops and are grown in most parts of the world.
Currently, the area of carrot plantation in Vietnam is very large because the profits from this kind of farm produce to farmers is not small. However, farmers are still using manual harvesting method, using labor force mainly to influence the quality of agricultural products as well as labor costs. Applying advanced technology to agriculture is on the top, so the birth of the carrot harvesters become a powerful arm for farmers.
Dynamic carrot harvesters have Dieze fuel saving, which is very suitable for terrain in Vietnam. Machines with crawler system should be very easy to control, can operate even in high humidity. Digging depth of the machine can be adjusted.
This machine is not only productive but its carrot extraction process is extremely beautiful, it will pluck 5 to 6 rows at a time, all of which are then laid and transferred to the truck body through a small conveyor belt. Within an hour, tens of thousands of carrots can be harvested and cleaned, and farmers pack their produce for consumption.
The harvesters are made from high strength steel and have a simple structure to operate under any conditions. During operation, the digger’s digger is dug deep into the soil, pulling the soil and bulb into the vibrating screen, when the vibrating screen automatically separates the soil and the cassava. At that time, cassava roots will be on the ground and laborers will be able to collect more easily.
Machine with many advantages such as:
Harvest quickly, compact carrot growing area with a large area, but save labor costs. Effective harvesting efficiency helps to provide timely delivery of carrots to the market, do not cause rot in the field.
Carrots after harvest are not stamping, quality assurance.
Yields up to 99% of harvesting efficiency ensure efficient harvesting of carrots.
Machine is easy to operate, safe with the user.
Using a Carrot harvesters you need to pay attention to the following:
Must have sufficient health and technical expertise for the operator. Ensure safety by using safety gear.
After using the machine must be cleaned, in dry place to wait for next season.
Regular maintenance, maintenance of equipment parts, ensuring the best operation.